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Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Roland Barthes Narrative Theory: MAC vs PC

In this advert the main code used is the Cultural Code. Using the cultural code to make Mac look better was mostly identified in the appearance of both men, for example; the PC man wore glasses, which we associate with being clever, he was middle aged and wore an old dark suit, with trousers high up. This stereotypical style of person would be referred to as "geeky" compared to the other man known as Mac. He wore casual clothes, his shirt hung out and his jeans reasonably low, also he was wearing latest fashion which would look better in the eye's of teenagers and young adults. This would make Mac look better to the target market as he is known to be "cooler, younger, attractive". These men are also used as a metaphor to the product, therefore Mac being newer, cooler, fashionable. This use of men also fits in with Levi Straus belief of Binary Opposites, were to be one thing, there has to be an opposite, so in this case, to be cool and young, there has to be an old and uncool person.
An Enigma is used when the audience do not know what to expect when "PC" present there movie (represented by a person), this creates a moment were an element is not explained. The to people are revealed, neither of them are explained to be "wrong" or "better" but because of the cultural code, the blonde, skinny, attractive female is seen as better than the drag, hairy man.
The personalities of both characters is also used to control the audiences feelings, e.g. the character PC says "it wont be better than mine, but you can show" which would give the impression of arrogance, drawing us away from liking that character and preffering the Mac.

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