Link Too - Coursework Blog

Friday, 9 September 2011

Class Survey Conclusions

From the results of our survey I can conclude that there is a much higher ratio of American films watched compared to English. There are many reasons for this such as budget. Budget plays a massive part in the process of film making, it determines how the film can be recorded and pro ducted. For example, American film company's have much larger budget, so when recording action scene's they can spend more money on making it realistic, exciting, and graphically better. The budget can also help the movie/film be advertised, with the budget of American film's much more, they can afford to advertise there film in many places, e.g. longer trailers on television, posters, Internet sites, whereas a film company with a low budget would not be able to afford the advertisement that larger company's can. Most genre's were drama's or comedy's, with the odd animations, most animations were American which show how the budget affects what kind of film you can make.

We also surveyed how people like to watch films. Allot of people found watching it in the cinema was a the best way. People thought is very enjoyable, because it was a large screen and the HD quality is very impressive, along with having the options of watching films in HD or 3D. Problems with watching it in the cinema include, not being able to sit were you want, not being able to make much noise, you can also not control what your watching e.g. with a DVD or Sky, you can pause rewind and fast forward. DVDs were a good way to watch films as most of them have extra bonus edition disks, and DVDs can also be purchased in HD quality. Another way of watching films was through downloads, illegal or legal. The pros of watching downloads were; its very cheap (usually free), you can watch it ihn your own time, and can save it so you can watch it again (unlike the cinema's, were you see it once and then have to pay to see it again or buy the DVD). Problems with downloading conists of the quality - there is no HD and quality is usally very smudged, because its been recorded or is a fake copy. New technology like Sky + and Virgin Media allow viewers to record programmes or films they've missed, and watch anytime, this costs so much a month though and special HD types of this techonlogy costs extra on top of the mothly price. You can also pause, rewind, and fast forward the films and live tv so your in control.

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